Fidelity Law Journal articles from all volumes are available to download as PDF files. The cost is $10 per article and may be downloaded after payment using a debit or credit card.
1 - Claims Involving Checks - Key Concepts
2 - Why Commercial Crime Policies Are Not a Substitute for Cyber Insurance
3 - Contractual and Evidentiary Requirements
4 - Fidelity Law Update
5 - Effecting Recovery and Subrogation
6 - Fidelity Insurance - Past, Present, Prescient
1 - Who Bears the Loss — Which Parties Should Be…
2 - Enforceable Electronic Signatures versus…
3 - Who, What, Where, and When…
4 - Termination Provisions and Ban the Box Laws
5 - Cyber Crimes and How They Are Testing…
6 - Fidelity Law Update 2023
1 - Fidelity Law Update 2022
2 - Employee Dishonesty and Employee Theft…
3 - Protecting Privileges - A Primer For…
4 - ERISA Fidelity Bonds
5 - Claims-Handling Guidelines and Bad-Faith...
6 - Duties of an Insured Following Discovery of …
1 - Dissecting a Mortgage Fraud Claim Under…
2 - Bank Communications and Wholesale Electronic …
3 - What Is Loss - The Quantification of Loss
4 - Its Not a Direct Loss But Is It Covered …
5 - Insurers Rights Under Federal Law As A Crime …
6 - Fidelity Law Update 2021
1 - Who Is An Employee
2 - Discovery - Who Are You
3 - What Is An Original Under Insuring Agreement E
4 - What Is Loss and When Does It Occur
5 - Contractual Limitations Periods in Fidelity …
6 - How Does the Question of Where Impact Coverage
7 - Why Are Electronic Marks Not a Signature Under
8 - Computer Fraud Insuring Agreements Were Not …
9 - Fidelity Law Update 2020
1 - Cryptocurrency is Here - How Will Crime …
2 - The Proliferation and Evolution of Digital…
3 - Proximate Cause and the Interpretaton…
4 - Comparing and Contrasting Insuring Agreements
5 - Fidelity Law Update
6 - ERISA Fidelity Insurance - An Updated Review
1 - Fidelity Law Update
2 - Social Engineering Claims
3 - Communications With Claimants and Witnesses
4 - Taking Depositions and Statements Under Oath…
5 - Rescission-Inaccuracies Fraud and Deception…
6 - Knowledge of Prior Dishonesty - Does it…
1 - Social Engineering
2 - The Importance of Fidelity Claim Investigatio…
3 - Common Issues under UCC Articles 3 4 and 4A
5 - Recurring Issues in Fidelity Claims
6 - Fidelity Law and the 2015 Amendments to the…
7 - Survey of Causation
1 - Survey on Fidelity Law - 2014-2015
2 - Ethical Implications of Connectivity
3 - Payment Card Fraud Data Breaches and Emerging…
4 - What is a Commercially Reasonable Security …
5 - Introduction to Bitcoin and Potential …
6 - The Worthless-Collateral Rule
7 - The Rule of Contra Proferentem
8 - Aetna v. Kidder Peabody - Liability Policies …
1 - The Effect of Electronic Signatures
2 - CyberCrime
3 - Who Can Recover Under a Fidelity Policy
4 - Strategic and Logistical Issues in Litigation…
5 - Protecting the Insurers Subrogation and …
6 - The Use of Experts in Fidelity Litigation
7 - Ethical Considerations in the Handling of…
1 - Mergers and Acquisitions on Fidelity Coverage
2 - Legal and Ethical Considerations
3 - Indirect Lending
4 - Impact of Claims Investigation
5 - Common Agreements that Arise in Handling…
6 - The Insureds Duties Following Discovery of…
7 - Funds Transfer and Financial Institution Bonds
1 - Just Email Me - The Art of Communicaiton in…
2 - What Is Money in Todays Financial System
3 - Attorney-Client and Work Product Privilege…
4 - Take It to the Bank - Trial Strategies in…
5 - The Loss Sustained Policy and Multiple Year…
6 - Effecting Recovery and Subrogation in…
7 - Electronic Payment Systems and the Issues …
1 - The ABCs of Insuring AgreementD Under the FIB…
2 - Coverage for Losses Resulting From Associatio…
3 - The Forgotten Insuring Agreement
4 - Termination Provision and the Fidelity …
5 - Discovery by the Risk Manager
6 - Insuring Agreement E - Revisited
1 - The Subprime Mortgage Crisis
2 - Malware and Fraudulent Electronic Funds…
3 - Potential Effects of a Criminal Investigation…
4 - Untangling the Web of Causation in Fidelity…
5 - The Fraudulent Mortgage Rider
6 - Exhaustion - What Does It Mean
1 - Coverage for Losses Resulting From Rogue…
2 - Analyzing the Impact on Coverage Under the…
3 - A Cosmetic Approach to the Underinsured…
4 - The Implications of Electronic Discovery
5 - Litigating the ERISA Fidelity Bond Claim
6 - Guests Property Coverage Under the CCP
7 - The Inventory and Profit and Loss Computation…
1 - The Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work…
2 - Ethical Issues
3 - Computer Fraud and Funds Transfer Fraud …
4 - Commercial Crime Coverage for the …
5 - Relationships and Duties Among Primary and …
6 - ERISA Bonding Requirements and the Fidelity…
7 - Unique Claims on Crime Policies and Fidelity…
8 - Stealing - Back to the Basics
1 - Check Exposures in Todays Electronic Banking …
2 - Mortgage Broker Claims
3 - Safe Deposit Box Losses Under the FIB
4 - ATMS and Check Fraud…
5 - Deepening Insolvency Claims
6 - Income Exclusion - Is There More To It
7 - An Insurers Claim Against a Financial …
1 - Warehouse Lending Losses Under the FIB
2 - Liability of Payee for Accepting Fraudulent …
3 - Why the Constitution Matters to Fidelity …
4 - The Rule of Contra Proferentem
5 - The Public Officials Bond
1 - A Guide for the Fidelity Insurer to the…
2 - A Dishonest Employee…
3 - Detective or Advisor
4 - The Question of Causation in Loan Loss Cases
5 - The Fidelity Insurers Rights to First…
1 - The Check 21 Act…
2 - ERISA Bond Claims Over Employer Stock Losses
3 - The Ethical Investigation of Fidelity Claims
4 - Update on the Application of Unfair Claims…
5 - Limits of Liability…
1 - ATMs and Check Fraud
2 - Causation Under the Financial Institution Bond
3 - Bad Faith and Unfair Claim Handling Practice I
4 - Application of the Loss Under Prior Policy …
5 - The Subtleties of Insuring Agreement C
1 - Electronic Signatures Act
2 - Declaratory Judgment Actions
3 - Professional Employer Organizations
4 - Intellectual Property Claims
5 - Fidelity Directors and Officers and Errors…
6 - Forged Checks and Risk Allocation
1 - Insurers Witness Interviews
2 - Check Fraud and the Fidelity Insurer
3 - Judicial Rescission of Fidelity Coverage
4 - The Compensability of Third-Party Losses
5 - Inventory Computation and Profit and Loss…
6 - Alter Ego Defense
1 - Fighting Check Forgery in the New Economy
2 - The Impact of the Karen Kane Decision
3 - Stealth Loans Rogue Banking Officers and Poor
4 - Defending the Insured Under the Combination…
5 - Employee Dishonesty - When Does Your Bond …
1 - Potential Conflicts Between Fidelity Insurers
2 - The Dow Has Gone Crazy
3 - Banking Industry Standards
4 - Recurring Questions in Loan Loss Coverage Case
5 - The Crime Protection Policy
1 - Bribes Kickbacks and Illicit Profits
2 - Bad Faith Review
3 - Ensuring Crime Doesnt Pay
4 - The Auditors Responsibility to Detect Fraud
5 - Notice Prejudice Rule in Fidelity Cases
1 - Imputation of Knowledge
2 - Credit Card Losses
3 - Discovery of Information from an Insurer
4 - Faithful Performance
5 - Endorsements to the Bond
2 - Misrepresentations in the Financial Bond Application
3 - Overcoming Objections in Investigating …
4 - Duties Risks and Liabilities of a Primary …
5 - Loss Containment Under the FIB
1 - Who Is an Employee - Known or Unknown - Under…
2 - Barriers to the Exercise of the Fidelity …
3 - A Look at Revised Articles 3 and 4 of the Unif
4 - Third-Party Claims and Losses Under the …
5 - Unfair Claims Practices and Bad Faith - A…